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uMED » uMED - Gang Section » Accepted Applications
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DRAS1X | Gang Squad Application
You must not be a Clanhopper Yes

Minimum required age: 16 (19)

Minimum fps: 30 (100)

Maximum ping: 150 (20-30)

Your name: Tom

Your age: 19

Your nationality: Slovakia

Any contact information: Discord: dras1xgod

Your in-game name: DRAS1X

Your previous in-game names: Nou

Your previous clans/teams: Nou

Reasons for leaving them: Nou

Why did you choose us?:
I have been actively playing for the last two years and never wanted to play for a clan because I played more for fun. Now I would like to start playing a bit more seriously. I'm looking for a good clan where I can improve my skills and learn from better players. Vysmátý2

When did you start playing SA:MP?: 2016

If we accept you, would you be able to record during clan wars? Yes

Additional skills (Photoshop, PHP, etc.): DaVinci Resolve

I have edited some montages I have one on YouTube:


There are random clips that I quickly gathered, mainly trying to learn effects.
Edited by DRASIX on 25-07-2024 13:37
HardzeraGOD vote:
Seems like good guy i will give him yes
Very Good Skills guy as i will give him yes
I will stay Neutral until i see further votes
There can be some improvements, can't wait to see what you have to offer. I like the fact that we are your first clan and I wanna keep it that way. +1 from me, if you get accepted stay loyal and you'll learn plenty
Like the boys saying you are fully motivated and thats what i like
Thank you for these positive reactions my pleasure people. heart
Yes from me
Hi Tom

We are pleased to inform you that your application to join our clan has been accepted!

After reviewing your application alongside your video on YouTube, you indeed seem good enough to me and I appreciate your dedication to improving your skills and your commitment to playing more seriously.

To get started, please join us on our Discord server: https://discord.c...yzaKNdjmXU (if you haven't already) so we can welcome you properly and provide you with information on our upcoming practices and clan activities.

Furthermore, you are allowed to use the uMED tag on whichever server you please except if it's CW/TG related or WTLS for that matter as the clan had run into some conflicts with the management of WTLS in the past and unfortunately it resulted in the banishment of the clan from the server completely.

Welcome aboard, and we're excited to have you with us!
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helloo umed

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okey, i add

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Btw ReVs are our partners too Vysmatý1

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